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Memòria Europea - lectura dramatitzada - II Guerra Mundial

La indagació (Un oratori en onze cants)

by PETER WEISS dramaturgy PAU MIRÓ directed by CARME PORTACELI
February 23 and 24
Temporada 2012 - 2013

Afegeix un nou comentari

Manel Barceló / Rosa Boladeras / Ferran Carvajal / Jordi Collet / Josep Julien / Albert Pérez

dramaturgy Pau Miró / sound space Jordi Collet ‘Sila’

produced by Teatre Lliure

approximated length 1h. 15’ no interval

Saturday 21:00
Sunday 18:00
tariff c  
price 13,45€

A play about the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials (1963-1965), the first trial by the German government to attribute responsibility for the Holocaust to Nazism, which prosecuted a group of SS members and administrators at the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. The German playwright Peter Weiss wrote the play based on notes he took during the court sessions.

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