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La sonata dels espectres / El pelicà

La sonata dels espectres, directed by Pau Carrió

Laura Aubert / Andreu Benito / Laura Conejero / Pol López / Carles Martínez / Xicu Masó / Rosa Renom / Boris Ruiz / Rosa Vila

musicians Jordi Oriol, Pau Miró and Pau Carrió

transtation from Spanish and English Marc Artigau

produced by Teatre Lliure

approximated length: 1h. 10’ no interval

The sonata of the spectra. A student longs to achieve the happiness he believes is behind the splendid facade of a house, but he becomes involved in an absurd and terrifying dinner where nobody is really what they seem

El pelicà, directed by Pau Miró

Muntsa Alcañiz / Eva Cartanyà / Eli Iranzo / Jordi Llovet / Jordi Oriol

transtation from Spanish and English Marc Artigau

produced by Teatre Lliure

approximated length: 1h. 10’ no interval

The pelican. In a provincial town in the late nineteenth century, the head of the household has died because of the suffering his wife has caused him. The widow despises the son and imposes a marriage on the daughter, while the house is taken over by the maid.

at 20:30h.
tariff c  
price 13,45€