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Tinta d'ambrosia 3

Poetes catalans

texts selected by MARTÍ SALES coordinate and directed by PAU CARRIÓ
June 6
Temporada 2015 - 2016

Afegeix un nou comentari

recite Jordi Boixaderas / Eduard Farelo / Míriam Iscla / Rosa Renom

music Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés

produced by Teatre Lliure

reading in Catalan
approximate length 1h. no internval

follow #tintadambrosia on twitter


Monday 20:30
tariff c  
general ticket 12€
under 14s 9€

The third session devoted to poetry, this time with poets from Andorra. We celebrate the beauty and power of the word for the third time, paying tribute with ambrosia, as the gods do.

catalan poets
a journey from Rector de Vallfogona to Joan Brossa, from Maria Mercè Marçal to J. V. Foix, from Dolors Miquel to Josep Carner, from Joan Vinyoli to Enric Casasses

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