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Tinta d'ambrosia 2

Poetes mallorquins

text selected by MARTÍ SALES coordinate and directed by PAU CARRIÓ
May 9
Temporada 2015 - 2016

Afegeix un nou comentari

recite Laura Aubert / Xavi Frau / Biel Mesquida / Catalina Solivellas

music Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés

produced by Teatre Lliure

reading in Catalan

approximate length 1h. no interval

follow #tintadambrosia on twitter

Monday 20:30
tariff c  
general ticket 12€
under 14s 9€
Espectacles Relacionats 
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Poetes catalans

A second session of poetry, this time dedicated to authors from the Balearic islands. Come and enjoy the beauty and power of the word!

mallorcan poets
a journey from Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel to Biel Mesquida, from Ramon Llull to Blai Bonet, from Guillem d'Efak to Miquel Bauçà, from Andreu Vidal to Hilari de Cara.
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