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Tinta d'ambrosia 1

Poetes valencians

texts selected by MARTÍ SALES coordinate and directed by PAU CARRIÓ
Abril 18
Temporada 2015 - 2016

Afegeix un nou comentari

recite Pep Cortés / Raquel Ferri / Xavi Francés / Isabel Rocatti

music Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés

video Marc Permanyer

produced by Teatre Lliure

reading in Catalan
approximate length 1h. 10' no interval

 follow #tintadambrosia on twitter

Monday 20:30
tariff c  
general ticket 12€
under 14s 9€
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On 18 April, 9 May and 6 June, we present three sessions devoted to poetry. Three days of celebration of the beauty and power of the word, paying tribute with ambrosia to Ausiàs March, Maria Mercè Marçal, Blai Bonet and Josep Carner. As the gods do.

This is an oral history of Catalan poetry. We have attempted to create an ephemeral and volatile counter-canon taking in many different centuries, regions and patterns of speech to highlight the power and range of our tradition of verse - one of our greatest cultural treasures. Poetry spoken, when it reaches the ears, when the voice pulls the verse from the page and allows it to awaken and wave, when the poem unfolds accents, rhythms and rhymes in space and occupies it. Poetry as a cry, a shout, a prayer, a lament, a declaration. Poetry experienced and felt collectively, shared. Meeting each other once again to listen to the best verses.
Martí Sales

poetes valencians
a journey from Ausiàs March to Pau Sif, from Roís de Corella to Ibn Al-Zaqqaq, from Sebastià Jàfer to Maria Beneyto, from Jordi de Sant Jordi to Marc Granell, from Vicent Andrés Estellés to Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas.

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