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Edipo rey

by SOPHOCLES versioned and directed by ALFREDO SANZOL co. TEATRO DE LA CIUDAD
December 3, 5 and 6
Temporada 2015 - 2016

Afegeix un nou comentari

cast Paco Déniz Creon / Elena González Tiresias, messanger, Antigone and herald / Natalia Hernández priest, choir, coryphaeus, Ismene and servant / Juan Antonio Lumbreras Oedipus / Eva Trancón choir and Jocasta

setting Alejandro Andújar, Eduardo Moreno and Beatriz San Juan / costumes Alejandro Andújar / lighting Pedro Yagüe / sound Sandra Vicente and Enrique Mingo / music Fernando Velázquez

director assistant Pietro Olivera / management assistant Mario Álvarez / producer Nadia Corral / management Elisa Fernández / technical coordination Eduardo Moreno and Pau Fullana

set up made by Scenik, Cledin, Sfumato and Mekitron / costumes made by Ángel Domingo

technical team on tour
technical director and lighting Juan Luis Moreno / lighting and sound José Peña / sound and audiovisuals Enrique Mingo / stage hand and audiovisuals Fernando Díaz / stage manager and dresser Remedios Gómez / manager Elisa Fernández / promotion and communication elNorte Comunicación y Cultura

co-producced by Teatro de la Ciudad and Teatro de La Abadía


show in Spanish
approximate length 1h. 05' no interval

performance recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure

follow #teatrodelaciudad and #ediporey on twitter

Thursday 19:30
Saturday 22:00
Sunday 17:00
tariff a  
general ticket 29€
advanced sales
(before the premiere)

Subscriber’s Flat Rate

with discount* 24,50€
Carnet Jove and under 25s
tariff top row
(on certain performances)

*15% discount with the card senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.

Edipo rey - trailer

The directors Alfredo Sanzol, Andrés Lima and Miguel del Arco have joined forces on a project which looks at classical texts with contemporary eyes: Teatro de la Ciudad.
Max Award 2016 to the Best Private Production on Scenics Arts

Their first project is a reworking of Èdip rei [Oedipus Rex], Medea and Antígona [Antigone]. The three performances that come to the Lliure in marathon format, with Juan Antonio Lumbreras, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Carmen Machi and Manuela Paso in the leading roles.

The need to find out the truth, the impossibility of absolute control over one's destiny and the search for one's origins make up the story of a man who while he is investigating a crime, discovers that he is his father's murderer and his mother's lover, and questions the limits and possibilities of human understanding.

“Let my destiny take its course. Wherever I go.
Oedipus discovers that his greatness is built on sand. His story is that of a man who was everything and was really less than nothing. The story of a man who destroyed himself to save the city. The story of a man who decides not to see the light again when he discovers the truth.
Alfredo Sanzol

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