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Ser-ho o no

dramaturgy and directed by JOSEP MARIA FLOTATS
from October 28 to December 6
Temporada 2015 - 2016

Afegeix un nou comentari

cast Josep Maria Flotats and Arnau Puig

translation from French language Salvador Oliva / setting Alejandro Andújar / lighting Albert Faura (a.a.i.) / music play Dani Espasa

director assistant Pep Planas

set up made by Neo Escenografia SL / coat design Goretti /  hairdresser Toni Santos

co-produced by Teatre Lliure and Taller 75

show in Catalan
approximate length 1h. 20' no interval

hand programme in Braille language avalaible at the box office

11/08 debate with the company after the show

11/10 at 18:00 Àgora Lliure - UPF

follow #serhoono on twitter
from Tuesday to Friday 20:30
Saturday 21:00
Sunday 18:00
tariff a  
general ticket 29€
advanced sales
(before the premiere)

Tuesday and Wednesday
(the audience days)

Subscriber’s Flat Rate

with discount*
(except on the audience days)

Carnet Jove and under 25s
tariff top row
(on certain performances)

*15% discount with the card senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.

Ser ho o no - trailer

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Two neighbours often meet on the landing on the stairs. What might happen when one finds out on the Internet that the other one is Jewish? A comedy by one of the most tragic French comic authors of his generation, directed and performed by Josep Maria Flotats.

I am very happy to offer our audience the opportunity to discover Jean-Claude Grumberg, a great, renowned and recognized playwright - of around thirty plays (five Molière awards, and a César award), all successfully premièred in France and around the world - but not yet performed in Spain. In August 2013, at a lunch in Saint Germain, Jean-Claude Grumberg offered me the text of Ser-ho o no [To end the Jewish question] hot off the press, when it had not yet even reached the bookstores. Late in the afternoon on the same day, I said I wanted to stage the play and that I would do so in October 2014. For reasons that are not relevant here, it couldn't happen. Now, on October 2015, it can.
Ser-ho o no is a work based on a pretext which consists of conversations between two neighbours on the same staircase, with contradictory attitudes, knowledge and beliefs. And in the course of these discussions, there is a palpable underlying theme of identity, as suggested by the verb in the title: collective, and above all personal identity, and tolerance. Those are a recurring theme throughout the work of Jean-Claude Grumberg, which - while anchored in the immediate present - always evokes historical memory to highlight the violence and the absurdity of the present. Political theatre from a comic perspective. This can be seen in the trends in today's drama: plays are being written once again not only about politics, but instead directly about politicians, as Justo Barranco so aptly pointed out in his article in La Vanguardia on 27 February.
In the work of Jean-Claude Grumberg, in the same way as modern representational painting learned a great deal from abstract painting, Ser-ho o no is a work that has learned much from the theatre of the absurd and has surpassed it after having been enriched by its experience. By means of an incisive dialogue between the two characters and using an irresistible and extremely intelligent humour, Jean-Claude Grumberg makes us consider the most important issues in the human condition: our ethical, social and moral commitment to ourselves, to everyone, to language, culture and history. Where are we from? Who are we? What are we?
Josep Maria Flotats

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