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created and directed by PEP BOU
from December 4 to January 4
Temporada 2013 - 2014

Afegeix un nou comentari

funambulist Pep Bou / piano and accordion Dani Espasa / several flutes Xavi Lozano / cello Oriol Aymat
alternatives musicians
piano Ferran Martínez / flute, sax and clarinet Xavier Figuerola / cello Manuel Martínez del Fresno

musical director Dani Espasa / costumes Rui Alves / lighting / images and animation Laura Ginès

on directing collaboration Marta Carrasco / creations support ans stage technicians Jordina Font, Mon Feijóo and Joan Valldeperas / light and sound technician Jep Vergés / video technician Mon Feijóo / co-owner Lau Delgado / management Pepa Arnal / company's media  Marta Bou / administration Marta Corbera

set elements made by Pascualín S.L.

produced by Companyia Pep Bou

with the support of the 'Institut d'Català d'Empreses Culturals (ICEC)
with the collaboration of Freixenet, Polinter S.A. and Abelló Linde S.A.

thanks to Castells i Planas de Cardedeu, François Graner, Patrice Ballet, Martí Boada, Miquel Crespí, Jordi Garriga, Joan Pericas, Alba Viader and the Patronat Municipal de Cultura de Cardedeu

length 1h. 20' no interval
length school performances 55' no interval

debate with the artistic crew after the show on 12/15

from Tuesday  to Friday 20:30
Saturday and Sunday 18:00
from Tuesday to Friday
(school performances,
from December 10 to 13)

On December 10 and 11 will not be night performances.

tariff a  
Tuesday and Wednesday
(audience days)
the rest of days 29€
with discount*
(except the audience days)
under 14s 9€
tariff El Lliure dels nens  
school performance 6€

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.

Bombollavà - trailer

The endurance of the tightrope walker

After turning the laboratory upside down, Pep Bou now offers us a proposal where the risk of experimentation challenges all known images of his unique and inimitable stage language.
Bombollavà is synonymous with movement, energy, humour... but especially with risk. An artistic challenge that seeks the beauty hidden in soap bubbles that will share the stage with innovations, screenings and lots of lights. 
We rarely have the chance to enjoy a show where a famous alchemist decides to leave the comfort of his laboratory to don the hat of tightrope walker. And he starts to walk the rope, convinced that theatre –like life– and everything that's worth it, always requires a challenge.
Thus, Bombollavà is the new performance of tightrope walker Pep Bou.

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