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Eva Noell and Paul Olbrich / accordion Raoul Goellaen

set Eva Noell i Paul Olbrich / original music Raoul Goellaen and Patrice Langlois

produced by Cie Les Voisins (Brittany)

show in Catalan
length 50’ no interval
recommended for children from 3 years old

school performances:  
Tuesday to Friday 10:00
general performances:  
Saturday 18:00
Sunday 12:00
tarifa c  
school performances 6€
general performances: adults 13,45€
general performances:
children from 12 years old

Reserves per a escoles: serveieducatiu@teatrelliure.com

La reina dels colors - trailer

A little queen lives alone in a castle where everything is white. Her life would be very boring if there wasn't someone who added some colour to it. But what will happen if they add too much?

Playing with colours, music, light and shadow, the technique of video subtly becomes traditional shadow theatre. The images painted live are reproduced on a screen before the audience, and the musician plays the accordion while actress/painter tells us the story.

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