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La tempesta, directed by Juan Carlos Martel Bayod

Javier Beltrán / Jordi Boixaderas / Laia Martí / Bàrbara Mestanza / Lluís Pasqual / Boris Ruiz / Bea Segura

translation from Spanish and English Marc Artigau / video Marc Lleixà

produced by Teatre Lliure

approximated length: 1h. no interval

The storm. The transient and turbulent of the past disrupts an elderly man's quiet life.

La casa cremada, directed by Lluís Pasqual

Pere Arquillué / Laura Aubert / Javier Beltran / Andreu Benito / Jordi Boixaderas / Jordi Bosch / Pol López / Laia Martí / Carles Martínez / Xicu Masó / Rosa Renom / Boris Ruiz / David Verdaguer / Rosa Vila

translation from Spanish and English Marc Artigau

produced by Teatre Lliure

approximated length: 1h. 05’ no interval

The burnt house. The investigation to find out who is behind a fire leads to the family's past being unearthed when the brother of the tenant of the house that has burnt down arrives.

at 20:30h.
tariff c  
price 13,45€

The Norwegian playwright premieres his Intimate Theatre with four masterpieces that open the door to contemporary theatre once and for all. We present them in two double programmes with a single performance.

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