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Pol López / Carla Rovira / Neus Umbert

idea and performance Martine Decroos, Philippe Van de Velde, Katrien Pierlet, Brenda Bertin and Dominique Van Malder

artistic adviser Marc Montserrat / technician Krishna Molina

co-produced by Teatre Lliure and Imaginart

in collaboration with LaSala/Sabadell

based on an original production by Studio Orka in collaboration with Zona 35-62 and CCHasselt Teatre Vrijthof de Maastrichtand subsidied by the City of Ghent and the MiraMiró festival

recommended for children from 6 years old

performance in Catalan
length 50’ no interval

school performances:  
from Tuesday to Friday 10:00 and 11:30
general performances:  
Saturday 17:00 and 18:30
Sunday 11:00 and 12:30
tariff c  
school performances 6€
general performances 10€

Reservations for schools: serveieducatiu@teatrelliure.com

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