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Boris Cartes Steve / Eduard Farelo Ron Jones / Malcom McCarthy Norman / Marta Ossó Wendy / Alba Ribas Sherry / Andrea Ros Aline / Martí Salvat Robert / Joan Sureda Doug / voice over Jordi Royo

translation Cristina Genebat / set Jon Berrondo / costumes María Araujo / make up Toni Santos / lighting Albert Faura (a.a.i.) / sound Francisco Grande Grande and Igor Pinto / video Xavier Bergés

director assistant Toni González Lillo / setting assistant Jose Novoa / costumes assistant Mireia Llatge / video files Federico Szarfer

set up made by Tallers d’escenografia Jordi Castells and Pascualín / costumes made by Sastreria Caireta and Godet

produced by Teatre Lliure

thankis to COCO COMIN Escola de Dansa i Comèdia Musical, MOZAICA, Mercè Ramos, Mireia Carulla, José Luis Guerín, Jaume Tomàs Carulla, Xavier Mestres, Toni Vives, Gisela Crem, Miriam Bar, Pep Montserrat, Glòria Folguera, Albert Folguera, Carles Masdeu, Jonathan Littell and Judit Terma

show in Catalan
approximate length first part 1h. 20’ / interval 15’ / second part 45’

debate with the artistic crew after the show on 03/17 counting on the presence of Ron Jones

program in Braille available at the ticket office
room provided with magnetic loop system

school performance on 03/19 at 17:00
play recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure

Tuesday to Friday 20:30
Saturday 17:30 and 21:00
Sunday 18:00

debate with the artistic crew after the show on 03/17

tariff a  
Wednesday (the audience day) 19,05€
the rest of days 28€
with discount*
(except the audience day)

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, La Vanguardia subscribers, local regional libraries and theatres

pack L'onada + Els feréstecs only 38€!

L'onada - trailer

It was supposed to premier at the Lliure in the 2011/2012 season, but circumstances dictated otherwise. This time round, it will: Ignacio Garcia May and Marc Montserrat bring to the stage a true story about an experiment by professor Ron Jones to understand why Nazism was able to impose itself on the democratic consensus.

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