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cast includes
Aleix Albareda French King / Marcel Borràs Oswald / Jordi Bosch count of Gloucester / Jordi Collet duke of Albany / Laura Conejero Regan / Núria Espert Lear / Míriam Iscla Goneril / Jordi Llovet duke of Burgundy / Teresa Lozano jester / Ramon Madaula count of Kent / Julio Manrique Edgard / Òscar Rabadan duke of Cornwall / Andrea Ros Cordelia / David Selvas Edmund

Carles Algué, Alberto Díaz, Eduard Lloveras, David Menéndez, Xavier Mestres, Martí Salvat, Josep Sobrevals, Joan Sureda, David Teixidó i Samuel Viyuela knights, officers, messengers, soldiers and attendants

Juan de la Rubia organist

English translation Joan Sellent / version Lluís Pasqual / settingLluís Pasqual and Alejandro Andújar / costumes Alejandro Andújar / make up Eva Fernández / lighting Pascal Mérat / musical director Dani Espasa / sound Roc Mateu / video Franc Aleu / fencing and choreography Isaac Morera
director assistant Leo Castaldi / director auxiliar Samuel Viyuela / costumes assistant Adriana Parra / singing teacher Xavier Mestres

costumes made by Ángel Domingo and Luis Espinosa / finish María Calderón
produced by Teatre Lliure

show in catalan
approximate length 1h. 40' first part / 15' interval / 1h. second part

subtitles in Spanish and English on Saturday at 21:00

hand program in Braille language avalaible at the box office
performance accessible with subtitles for hearing impairment people and audio description for visually impaired people
debate with the company after the performance

performance recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure

follow #elreilear on twitter

from Tuesday to Friday 20:30
Saturday (special schedule) 19:00
Sunday 18:00
tariff a  
Tuesday and Wednesday
(the audience days)
the rest of days 29€
advanced sales
(before the premiere)

with discount*
(except on the audience days)
tariff top row
(on certain performances)

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office..

El rei Lear - trailer

Espectacles Relacionats 
Els dies feliços

Núria Espert is Lear, directed by Lluís Pasqual. Who else could portray Shakespeare’s most tormented and fascinating king?

If only love were enough...
Someone once wrote that King Lear is the secular – that is, the human – incarnation of the biblical Book of Lamentations and the Book of Job combined. Every time we, as viewers, are party to the mishaps of the old king, our heart breaks as we bear witness to the misery and grandeur that can simultaneously dwell within our souls. Art – or in this case, theatre – makes us aware of this grandeur and misery, yet in our daily lives, the same scenes pass by unnoticed, so close that we could smell them rot. We are so used to surrounding ourselves with clichés and platitudes that cloak the concrete, palpable realities of our lives from us. Yet this cathedral of theatre and poetry puts a truth we struggle to accept front and center, true and terrifying: love is what keeps us – and perhaps our lives – going, and without it, we would be sterile, orphans. Without a doubt. Yet love does not stamp out cruelty, vileness or indifference, which also reside at the very core of our souls, and which can imbue us – and our parents and children, brothers and sisters – with unbearable sorrow.
When a theatre decides to tackle the artistic challenge and responsibility that is King Lear, that means the theatre – artists and audience alike – has grown up. Even if only for a short time, they have left behind the fear of staring their true selves in the face, an image bluntly unmasked by one of the greatest dramatic poets of all times, the bard we turn to every time we want to confirm what we humans are made of.
Lluís Pasqual

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