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cast Vicky Peña

translation from English Vicky Peña / set and costumes Antonio Belart / lighting Mario Gas / soundtrack Jose Antonio Gutiérrez

director assistant Concha Milla

produced by Bitò Produccions

thanks to Josep Maria Milla, philologist, and Humberto Cornejo

show in catalan
approximated length 1h. 10' no interval

hand program in Braille language avalaible at the box office

from Wednesday to Friday 21:00
Saturday 18:00 and 21:30
Sunday 18:30
special tariff Holy Week  
all the performances
from April 14 to 20
tariff b  
Wednesday and Saturday afternoon
(audience days)
the rest of days 22€
with discount*
(except the audience days)

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.

A new show from the monologue Homebody starring by Vicky Peña, who was too in the Homebody/Kabul presented at the Teatro Español on 2007, awarded on Premios Max 2008 and Premio Mayte 2009.

"I feel that it was a good play for that moment because it does not pretend to have easy answers to anything. It's a very questioning play about uncertainty, and how hard it is to know anything. If the play helps give people permission to be unsure about things, I would consider that a good day's work." (Tony Kushner)

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