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Pol López

catalan translation Pau Carrió / lighting Raimon Rius / sound space Raffel Plana / off voices Paula Blanco, Miquel Cabal i Xènia Diakonova

produced by Teatre Lliure

Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or 2013 to the best show

show in Catalan

length 1h. no interval


at 23:00

tariff Fora d'hores 15€

Ivan i els gossos - trailer

For one night only, we return to one of last season's successes: the monologue performed by Pol Lopez about the story of a wild child in the centre of Moscow in the Putin era. The collapse of the system has left thousands of people homeless and four-year-old Ivan ends up living with a pack of wild dogs for two years.

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