
Boris Cartes Steve / Eduard Farelo Ron Jones / Malcom McCarthy Norman / Marta Ossó Wendy / Alba Ribas Sherry / Andrea Ros Aline / Martí Salvat Robert / Joan Sureda Doug / off voice Jordi Royo
Catalan translation Cristina Genebat / set Jon Berrondo / costumes María Araujo / make up Toni Santos / lighting Albert Faura (a.a.i.) / sound Francisco Grande and Igor Pinto / video Xavier Bergés / video archives Federico Szarfer
director assistant Toni González Lillo / setting assistant Jose Novoa / costumes assistant Mireia Llatge
set up made by Tallers d’escenografia Jordi Castells and Pascualín / costumes made by Sastreria Caireta and Godet
produced by Teatre Lliure
thanks to Mark Hancock, Philip Neel, COCO COMIN Escola de Dansa i Comèdia Musical, MOZAICA, Mercè Ramos, Mireia Carulla, José Luis Guerín, Jaume Tomàs Carulla, Xavier Mestres, Toni Vives, Gisela Crem, Miriam Bar, Pep Montserrat, Glòria Folguera, Albert Folguera, Carles Masdeu, Jonathan Littell, Judit Terma and Carla Rovira
show in Catalan
length: first part 1h. 20’ / interval 15’ / second part 45’
debate with the artistic crew after the show on 03/30
play recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure
hand program in Braille language avalaible at the box office
from Tuesday to Friday | 20:30 |
Saturday | 21:00 |
Sunday | 18:00 |
tariff a | |
Tuesday and Wednesday (audience days) |
22€ |
the rest of days | 29€ |
with discount* (except the audience days) |
24,65€ |
*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.
Tickets pack at 21€/show: L'onada + El caballero de Olmedo
“In this absolutely devastating, hard-hitting, shocking and magnificent production recently staged at the Lliure Theatre in Gràcia (Barcelona), L'onada (The Wave), shows just how easy it is to convert young students into authentic fascists. There are a few books and a film on the subject, but nothing as credible and profound as this piece directed by Marc Montserrat Drukker following years of research into the subject... (···) The experience envelops and overpowers the audience (···) And the show fascinates and overwhelms us.”
María José Ragué (El Mundo)
“L'onada (The Wave), by Ignacio García-May, about Ron Jones's “experiment in totalitarianism” triumphs at the Lliure Theatre (Barcelona) with an energetic performance from Eduard Farelo under the direction of Marc Montserrat Drukker."
Marcos Ordóñez (El País)
“The director, Marc Montserrat Drukker, (···) demonstrates his command of movement and blocking, and a finely tuned sense of dramatic rhythm, effectively overcoming the challenge of how to make these extremely young students/actors credible. The whole cast is precise and sure-footed. Congratulations. The ending is brilliant. (···) L'onada (The Wave) is a must-see for younger audiences and a show recommended for absolutely everyone.”
Santi Fondevila (Time Out)
"With L'onada (The Wave), a rigorous example of documentary theatre has arrived at Gràcia's Lliure Theatre (Barcelona)... the students depicted in the show become a cohesive ensemble, which director Marc Montserrat has imbued with a precise sense of dramatic development.”
Joan Anton Benach (La Vanguardia)
“L'onada (The Wave) has been successfully brought to the stage through the exhaustive work of director Marc Montserrat Drukker, with the support of the dramatist Ignacio García May. No less enthusiastic and sincere is the work of the cast, led by a committed and strong Eduard Farelo (as Ron Jones) alongside a convincing squad of up and coming young actors (···) In short, a must see show.”
Jose Carlos Sorribes (El Periódico)
"What better critical response to L'onada (The Wave) than the reaction of two of the creators of the original experiment after the first night. Ron Jones and Mark Hancock, accompanied by their wives, were present at the premiere and, visibly moved, gave the show a prolonged standing ovation.”
Begoña Barrena (El País)
“Unsettling exercise in documentary theatre. (···) Unmissable.”
Jordi Bordes (El Punt Avui)
“The result is the fabulous show to be seen at the Lliure Theatre in Gràcia (Barcelona), captivating like few others, it leaves you thinking about what you've seen for days afterwards. The success of L'onada (The Wave) at the Lliure Theatre, is that it goes beyond the attractive cinematography and the consequences of the experiment. And that's not all, it's also a play that moves like clockwork (…) It's one of the best plays of the season: entertaining, fascinating, intriguing and it teaches you and makes you think into the bargain. Long may it run!”
Pep Barbany (notodo.com)
“A social psychology experiment from 1967 turned into good theatre that makes you think...To know more get yourself over to the Lliure Theatre in Gràcia (Barcelona), which has been converted into a social psychology lab. Thoroughly recommended.”
Juan Carlos Olivares (Ara)
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
© Ros Ribas
One of the successes of last season returns - the story of the experiment conducted by the charismatic young teacher Ron Jones in California in the 1960s. The Vietnam War, rock music and the anti-racist protests of Dr. Luther King are on everyone's lips. Ron Jones is a high school teacher who is trying to teach his history students how the society that gave rise to Nazism and the concentration and extermination camps could have arisen in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. To do so, he carries out an experiment: for several weeks, the students must follow strict rules that give them first-hand experience from the inside of how easy it is to become part of a totalitarian apparatus. They accept, at first reluctantly and then with increasing enthusiasm, to the point where Jones is in danger of losing control over his little experiment...