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The third edition of the Simbiotic Festival organised by We Act Assoc., a non-profit organisation that works to change the concept of theatre, based on the idea of universal access to art and culture. With the theme of Hidden stages, three days of performances, talks and workshops, with the common denominator of inclusion and accessibility. High quality inclusive contemporary creative arts. The Lliure is hosting three shows in the festival programme.

From the whole programme, we are receiving on Lliure three of their shows.


by Carla Rovira
11/30 at 20:30

How is family memory addressed in a state based on forgetting? What is the family legacy of the wounds of the Civil War? And what is the role played by our mothers?
Enrique Isart Alonso was shot by Francoist forces in Cartagena on 14 August 1939. He left a letter containing a message to his mother Virginia Alonso. His remains have since disappeared, in one of the many ignominious episodes on which Spain's "model" transition to democracy was based.

'La nena dels pardals'

by Teatre al detall
live music by La Tresca i la verdesca
at 18:30

When the Great Helmsman ordered all the sparrows to be exterminated because they ate the harvest, Ming-Li decided to save as many of them as she could. This little girl's courageous gesture would be a lesson to those who unable to see how important each species is in the life cycle. A poetic and emotional performance about small everyday heroes, respect for life and the innate wisdom of children.

Butaca Prize 2018 to the Family show

'Cáscaras vacías'

by Magda Labarga and Laila Ripoll
coproduced by CDN and La Zona Teatro
12/02 at 19:00

Cáscaras vacías [Empty shells] is a network of stories interwoven with testimonies from Aktion T4, the code name that the Nazis gave to their euthanasia programme aimed at eliminating people with disabilities, whom they believed had  life unworthy of life, who they called empty shells, and the first victims were children. Hartheim castle was one of the places where this operation was carried out. Six people talk about their lives. Six people who would have been murdered at Hartheim Castle tell us about it. Six performers with disabilities create a theatrical discourse about difference, and what is useful or useless in each person's life.

useful information

shows in Catalan and Spanish languages
approximate length 1h. no interval each one

Sign language interpretation
Live subtitling.
Audio induction loop service
Tactile guided tours before each performance.
Live audio descriptions.
Information in braille.
Accessible digitised programme (QR code).
Programme in easy reading format.
Support from volunteers (upon request)

debate after each performance

follow #SimbioticFestival2018 on twitter

Espai Lliure


from 11/30 to 12/02
Temporada 2018 - 2019
Tarifas (MANUAL) 

groups (from 15 people) 14,5€

pack two shows 28€
pack three shows 36€

Divendres, Novembre 30, 2018
20:30 Màtria
Dissabte, Desembre 1, 2018
18:30 La nena dels pardals
Diumenge, Desembre 2, 2018
19:00 Cáscaras vacías
festival's shows clip
festival's shows clip