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The traditional theatrical format is sometimes too restrictive. Like good addicts to series, Sergi Belbel, Eulàlia Carrillo and Cristina Clemente have prepared a theatrical story in six consecutive chapters. You can see two of them every week. And on the final Sunday, a marathon performance of all of them!

May from 22 to 26 May 29 to June 2 June from 5 to 8 Sunday  9 June
CHAPTERS 1 & 2 CHAPTERS 3 & 4 CHAPTERS 5 & 6 CHAPTERS 1 & 2 at 17:00
length 1h. 35' length 1h. 35' length 1h. 15' CHAPTERS 3 & 4 at 19:00
      CHAPTERS 5 & 6 at 21:30

artistic schedule

cast Enric Cambray, Gemma Martínez and Meritxell Yanes

plot Cristina Clemente and Eulàlia Carrillo / setting Lluís Nadal 'Koko' / costumes Carme PuigdevalliPlantés / lighting August Viladomat and Àngel Puertas / original musica and sound Carles Cors / video FromZero / hairdresser Anna Bonilla
director assistant Antonio Calvo / rehearsals assistent Marc Morote / grafic design ARTIC Studio / management Meritxell Yanes and Arnau Nadal / CM Paula Lasheras (MeriYanes produccions)

special collaboration Marilia Samper, Mercè Pons, David Planas, Lluís Soler, Andy Fukutome, Albert Prat, Andreu Buenafuente, Guim Segarra, Helena Garcia Melero, Xavier Grasset, Aina Sánchez, Georgina Arnau, Raül Sànchez and Leo Castro

and the teams of the Teatre Lliure

produced by Teatre Lliure and MeriYanes producciones

thanks to TV3, TVGirona, Mònica Bofill, Ajuntament de Celrà, Ajuntament de Banyoles, L'upuntvuit and Laura Perramón

useful information

show in Catalan language
approximate length 1h. 35' no interval
2 chapters per performance / length medium per chapter 45'

follow #Dolors on twitter


original idea MERITXELL YANES

from 05/22 to 06/09
Season 2018 - 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
20:30 D1 + D2
Thursday, May 23, 2019
20:30 D1 + D2
Friday, May 24, 2019
20:30 D1 + D2
Saturday, May 25, 2019
17:30 D1 + D2
Sunday, May 26, 2019
18:00 D1 + D2
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
20:30 D3 + D4
Thursday, May 30, 2019
20:30 D3 + D4
Friday, May 31, 2019
20:30 D3 + D4
Saturday, June 1, 2019
17:30 D3 + D4
Sunday, June 2, 2019
18:00 D3 + D4
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
20:30 D5 + D6
Thursday, June 6, 2019
20:30 D5 + D6
Friday, June 7, 2019
20:30 D5 + D6
Saturday, June 8, 2019
17:30 D5 + D6
Sunday, June 9, 2019
17:00 D1 + D2
19:00 D3 + D4
21:30 D5 + D6
interview with Sergi Belbel, Marilia Samper and Cristina Clemente
interview with Sergi Belbel, Marilia Samper and Cristina Clemente