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The sisters Ariadna and Clara Peya are Les Impuxibles. With Carla Rovira, they premiered this rebellious protest against sexual violence - an issue that is frighteningly topical - at the GREC Festival in 2017.

artistic schedule

cast Júlia Barceló, Olga Lladó, Ariadna Peya, Clara Peya and Maria Salarich / off voice Abril Frías

texts and dramaturgy Carla Rovira / original music and musical direction Clara Peya / choreography direction Ariadna Peya / artistic advisor Arantza López / dramaturgy advisor Marta Mariñas, Glòria Casas, Abril Frías and Clara V. Fleck
setting Sarah Bernardy / costumes Núria Llunell / lighting Jordi Berch / sound Josep Sanchez-Rico

co-produced by Les Impuxibles and Grec 2017 Festival de Barcelona

with the collaboration of the Fira Tàrrega, Escena Poblenou, Nau Ivanow, ContraCorrent, Piano Sevei and Danceecool

useful information

show in Catalan
length 1h. 10' no interval

CAUTION the show uses lighting effects that could be damaging for epileptic people

01/24 and 01/30 debate with the company and the psychologist Marta Mariñas afther the show.

on 01/26 at 18:45 Àgora Lliure - UPF
New masculinity workshop by Teo Pardo ONLY FOR MEN!
Self defense workshop by Anna Nuevo ONLY FOR WOMEN!

further information and registration

follow #AÜC on twitter
Espai Lliure

the sound of cracks
created and directed by LES IMPUXIBLES and CARLA ROVIRA

from 01/23 to 02/03
Season 2018 - 2019
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Friday, January 25, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Friday, February 1, 2019
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Sunday, February 3, 2019
show clip
show clip