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La rara anatomia dels centaures

by MIQUEL ÀNGEL RIERA dramaturgy and directed by PERE FULLANA

from November 15 to 18
Temporada 2012 - 2013

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Sergi Baos / Maria Bauçà / Aina Calpe / Antònia 'Nies' Jaume / Carles Molinet

set Jordi Banal / lighting Toni Gómez / costumes Antònia Fuster /audio-visuals Nofre Moyà / video Joan Serrano / original music Miquel Àngel Aguiló / choreography Mabel Ribas

director assistant Santi Celaya / mouvement adviser Norman Taylor / language adviser Carme Planells / audio-visual and sound technician Juanro Campos / light technician Pep Toni Bassa / management Jordi Banal

coproduced by Iguana Teatre, Teatre Principal de Palma, CAER - Centre d'Arts Escèniques de Reus, CAET - Centre d'Arts Escèniques de Terrassa and EL CANAL Centre d'Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona

show in Catalan
length 70’ no interval
debate with the artistic crew after the show on 11/16


Thursday and Friday 20:30
Saturday 21:00
Sunday 18:00

debate with the artistic crew after the show on 11/16

tariff a  
price 28€
with discount* 23,55€

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, La Vanguardia subscribers, local regional libraries and theatres

La rara anatomia dels centaures - trailer

Five actors are the forum for six stories by the Majorcan writer Miguel Angel Riera written in 1979. The final thoughts of a man shot in the Civil War, two couples' tragic search for a centaur in a chestnut forest, a sad and profound love story about something very special, the culmination of all a ridiculous little man's hopes in what appears to be the near future, the story of an eventful hunting trip and the emotional reconstruction of a home that has vanished.

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