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written and directed by JORDI CASANOVAS
from October 18 to November 11
Temporada 2012 - 2013

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Marcel Borràs / Àlex Casanovas / Lluïsa Castell / Francesc Orella / Fermí Reixach / Rosa Vila

set Jordi Soler Prim / costumes Albert Pascual / make up Lucho Soriano and Mariona Trias / lighting David Bofarull (a.a.i.) / sound Damien Bazin  / video Joan Rodón

director assistant Blanca Bardagil / catalan translations Barnaby Griffiths / technical director Mateu Vallhonesta / management assistant Lorena López / management Lola Davó / management director Josep Domènech

set up made by Castells i Planas / costumes made by Goretti Sastreria Teatral and Señor

co-produced by Teatre Lliure and EL CANAL - Centre d'Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona

thanks to Xavier Bosch, Kim Rizvi, Domènec Reixach, Ramon Simó, Àlex Rigola, Narcís Puig, Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira,Toni Aira, Laura Carrillo, Laia Peran and Federació Espectre Autista-Asperger de Catalunya

show in Catalan
approximate length first part 1h. 25’ / interval 15’ / second part 45’
debate with the artistic crew after the show on 10/21
school performance on 10/23 at 17:00
play recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure

Tuesday to Friday 20:30
Saturday 21:00
Sunday 18:00

debate with the artistic crew after the show on 10/21

tarifa b  
Wednesday (the audience day) 21,30€
the rest of days 30,25€
with discount*
(except the audience day)

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, La Vanguardia subscribers, local regional libraries and theatres

Pàtria - trailer

Pàtria - trailer

He is the first pro-independence candidate with a real chance of winning a majority in the upcoming presidential elections in Catalonia. But the atmosphere is hostile and tougher than ever. Members of his own party want to regain the leadership that they gave him, the party currently in government wants to remove this unexpected and unwelcome rival, and his most extremist enemies from elsewhere in Spain literally want to see him dead. It is three days before election day, and he has disappeared. His wife does not know where he is. His son doesn't want to know. His campaign advisor would prefer not to know. The police investigate. The people are tense. If he is not found it soon, the entire country could explode.

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