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dramaturgy and directed by GUILLEM CLUA
from February 14 to March 10
Temporada 2012 - 2013

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Ramon Pujol / Albert Triola

set and costumes Albert Pascual / lighting and sound Xavi Gardés

director assistant Marta Buchaca / performances technician Fernando Portillo / management assistants Roser Blanch and Pablo Lammers / management Blanca Caminal and Clara Cols / administrations Sergio Matamala

set up made by Albert Pascual and FlyHard

produced by FlyHard Produccions S.L.

with the collaboration of Estrella Damm

thanks to Himar Ordóñez, Dani J. Meyer, Esteban Kwist, Noli Ramos, David Verdaguer and Joel Simkhai to have invented Grindr, Gramona and EdMon Pixels

show in Catalan
length 90’ no interval
debate with the artistic crew after the show on 02/24

SMILEY de Guillem Clua

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