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Love for Shakespeare

directed by LLUÍS PASQUAL
October 6
Temporada 2014 - 2015

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Laura Conejero / María Hinojosa / Míriam Iscla / Maika Makovski / Laia Marull / Judit Neddermann / Lídia Pujol / Mercè Sampietro / Rosa Maria Sardà / Emma Vilarasau

piano and clavier Dani Espasa / cello Oriol Aymat / drums Martí Hosta

play translations Salvador Oliva, Marc Rosich and Jaime Gil de Biedma / poems translations Gerard Vergés / dramaturgy Marc Rosich / music Henry Purcell, Franz Schubert, Maika Makovski, Judith Neddermann, Lídia Pujol and Dani Espasa / musical direction Dani Espasa / lighting Marc Lleixà and Lluís Pasqual / video Marc Lleixà

produced by Teatre Lliure

show in Catalan and Spanish
approximate length 1h. 05' no interval

 follow #loveshakespeare on twitter

at 20:30

tariff a  
price 29€
advanced sales
(befor the premiere)

with discount* 24,50€
tariff top row
(on certain performances

*15% discount with the Carnet Jove, + 25, students, under 14s, senior citizens, unemployed, disabled, large families and single parent families, TNC and Mercat de les Flors subscribers, TR3SC, local regional libraries and theatres. To the La Vanguardia subscribers, the discount is only avalaible at the box office.

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A special performance for a special day. We begin our Shakespearean journey with a staged reading of texts that have stolen our hearts. We’ve fallen for the bard. Have you?

words, words, words...and a whole community of spectators around them eating, listening, hearing, drinking, watching, consuming, enjoying, crying, laughing and living...words...words dreamed up by the Holiest of the Secular, words with colors, textures, nuances, grandeur and misery...words that, despite the alchemy of translation, miraculously survive, with new shapes and new sounds, because these words bear within them the full breadth of emotions, and therefore, all languages...words breathed into life by a single man, a singular poet...words that now belong to all of humankind...words brought back to life by actors that unleash their very essence like the waters of a purifying river, because these words, once uttered aloud, become all possible realities and are imbued with healing power…in ways that are difficult to explain, yet which we all can feel.
Lluís Pasqual

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