Roger Bernat / FFF & ITTeatre
cast Alba Aloy, Adrià Ardila, Hodei Arrastoa, Marta Borràs, Alba Duño, Mireia Lorente-Picó, Antoni Mas, Jose Luis Oliver and Eva Ortega
directed and setting by Roger Bernat / dramaturgy Roberto Fratini / costumes Adriana Parra / lighting Ana Rovira / sound Cristobal Saavedra
director and dramaturgy assistant Nicolás Jongen / setting assistant Núria Vila / technical director Txalo Toloza / trainee assistant of the MUET Nadinka Flores / observer Joana Castellano / FFF coordinator Helena Febrés Fraylich / ITteatre coordinator Ramon Simó, Pepelú Guardiola
and the teams of the Teatre Lliure
produced by ITteatre – Institut del Teatre de la Diputació de Barcelona in co-production of GREC 2019 Festival de Barcelona, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Festival Tercera Setmana de València and Elèctrica Produccions
with the collaboration of Teatre Principal d'Olot, the Teatre Alegria de Terrassa and the Teatre Laboratori de Vic.
supported by Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya / ICEC
The ITTeatre Company, formed by students of the ESAD of the Institut del Teatre on 2016/17, presents a show about laughter and crying directed by Roger Bernat.
Long life to the Young Theatre Companyi of the Institut del Teatre!
Thursday and Saturday 20:00 / Friday 16:00 and 20:00 / Sunday 18:00
tickets 9€ using the free card Generació Lliure!!
follow on the net @grecfestivalbcn / #FlamITteatre
Roger Bernat's career as a stage artist began when he founded the General Elèctrica company in 1997. Since 2008, as part of the company FFF, his theatre has made the audience the protagonist of his shows. The most recent include Desplazamiento del Palacio de La Moneda (2014), Numax-Fagor-plus (2014), We need to talk (2015), No se registran conversaciones de interés (2016/17) and The place of the Thing (2017). Flam is the first show he has directed with ITTeatre.