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Premis i càstigs

After seeing Estado de ira [State of anger] by the Argentine author and director Ciro Zorzoli, the members of the company T de teatre decided that they had to produce a show with him. Purely by chance, the Lliure was looking for him on the same day and for the same reason. You have been able to see the result at the GREC, and it opens the season at Montjuïc, celebrating theatre together.

watch the debate

With a group of actors, we will try to decipher the mysterious fabric on which the truth (or should we say the 'lie'?) of theatre is embroidered. We will accompany them on their tireless search for answers, and for keys enabling the invisible to be captured. However, the road they have to hesitantly travel will not be an easy one. They are always on the edge of a precipice, at the bottom of which is failure. Absolute failure, from which there is no return. Tonight, will they avoid falling and arrive unharmed in the warm garden of applause? Who knows... Maybe you, the audience, will find out before they do. There is a concern that has accompanied my work as a director for some years, which is what the more or less conscious codes and rules are that govern human behaviour and encounters between people. Recently, this has gradually shifted towards an examination of issues related to the world of theatrical performance.
Following the proposal by the company T de teatre to work together, I asked them to join me in this research, and we immersed ourselves in the infinite layers between the actor and the character, which are stretched to the limit in front of the audience. With no more certainties than this starting point, the company accepted the invitation and so we began our journey towards Premis i càstigs [Rewards and punishments], which does not aim to be the result of this search but instead the search itself: an encounter between the actors and the audience.
Ciro Zorzoli

cast Ivan Benet / Mamen Duch / Carolina Morro / Marta Pérez / Carme Pla / Albert Ribalta / Jordi Rico / Àgata Roca / Marc Rodríguez

setting and costumes Alejandro Andújar / make up Eva Fernández / lighting Carlos Lucena / sound Roger Ábalos

artistic assistant and body training Juan Manuel Branca / director assistant Carolina Morro / technical director cap tècnic Rubèn Taltavull / management Daniel López-Orós / management and administration director Josep Maria Ibern / director manager Carmen Álvarez

set up made by May, Roman Ogg and Sol Curiel / costumes made by Luis Espinosa and Ángel Domingo

co-produced by Teatre Lliure, T de teatre and Grec 2015 Festival de Barcelona
with the support of the ICEC - Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals

thanks to Recinte Modernista de l'Hospital de Sant Pau and Dagoll Dagom

the show includes free version scenes from Barranca abajo, by Florencio Sánchez

show in Catalan subtitled in Spanish ans English on Saturday at 21:00 from 10/10
approximate length 1h. 25' no interval

10/09 performance accessible with subtitles for hearing impairment people and audio description for visually impaired people
hand programme in Braille Language avalaible at the box office

10/02 debate with the company after the show

performance recommended by the Servei Educatiu del Teatre Lliure

Àgora Lliure - UPF  10/03  talk concerning scenic truth with Ciro Zorzoli and Jordi Balló

follow #premisicastigs on twitter and on the play  website