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Please, continue (Hamlet)

Please Continue is structured like a criminal-court trial and takes place in a (real) courtroom. On the stage are authentic judges, lawyers, prosecutors, clerks, bailiffs, etc., recruited from the Bar in each town where the performance takes place. We engage these dignitaries of the court in the tradition of the “mock trial,” as practiced by various legal organizations: Case studies undertaken as a sort of debate competition or exercise in verbal jousting. Only the role of the defendant is played by an actor. The defendant is a young man who has killed his uncle, after the latter has killed the defendant’s father. A near-universal case, familiar from grade-school; a drama that shares much with the grand canvasses of ancient tragedy. The young man is Hamlet, yes – but not exactly. In preparing the case, Roger Bernat and Yan Duyvendak will propose the most open reading of the myth possible – putting the outcome of the trial into the hands of a jury which will be in possession of all the facts. What will happen then?
Roger Bernat

Friday 29
Mercè Aránega Gertrude / Xavier Bernal forensic / Luis Borrás Roca psyquiatrist / Albert Coloma judge / Pol López Hamlet / Belén Marín public prosecutor / Maria Rodríguez Ofelia / Irene Sánchez judicial officer / Emili Zegrí lawyer

Saturday 30
Mercè Aránega Gertrude / Xavier Bernal forensic / Luis Borrás Roca psyquiatrist / Eva Labarta lawyer / Pol López Hamlet / Félix Martín public prosecutor / Marisa Maurel judge / Maria Rodríguez Ofelia / Irene Sánchez judicial officer

technical director Txalo Toloza / management Helena Febrés Fraylich

produced by Dreams Come True, Genève co-produced by Le Phénix (Valenciennes), Huis a/d Werf (Utrecht), Théâtre du Grü (Geneve), Elèctrica Produccions (Barcelona) 

residents on Montévidéo (Marsella), Le Carré Les Colonnes Scène conventionnée (Saint-Médard-en-Jalles/Blanquefort)

with the collaboration of Ville de Genève, République et canton de Genève, Pro Helvetia Fondation suisse pour la culture, Loterie Romande, Corodis and INAEM - Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España

thanks to Ajuntament de Girona

show in Catalan and Spanish languages
approximate length 2h. 10' two intervals includes

follow #pleasecontinuehamlet on twitter

The judiciary involved in these performances will not receive any financial cost. Instead, a donation will be made by the company to Ared Foundation for the reintegration of women.