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Imatges gelades

Anna Alarcón daughter, woman in love / Pepo Blasco father / Mireia Gubianas mute girl / Sergi Misas preacher / Maria Pau Pigem mother

translation from Finnish Riikka Laakso and Meritxell Lucini / set Silvia Delagneau / costumes Laura Garcia / lighting Raimon Rius / musical assortment Patrícia Mendoza / video Marc Lleixà

set up made by Dani Poy

produced by Associació Artística Indi Gest

thanks to Eudald Magri, Víctor Molina, David Piulats y Saara Turunen

this play has been made with the support of the Premi a Projectes d’Escenificació de l’Institut del Teatre 2011

show in Catalan
length 1h.30’ no interval